Very Veggie Spaghetti (Squash) with Vegan Alfredo Sauce
A creamy sauce over tender spaghetti squash- this is comfort food!
A creamy sauce over tender spaghetti squash- this is comfort food!
I have two variations of everyone’s fall favorite- Pumpkin Spice Lattes loaded with healthful ingredients that will help you feel the magic of fall morning and night.
You may not know this but my family (of origin) has a thing for Mexican food and drink. I’m not exactly sure how it started but any time we all get together, there is always a trip to a favorite Mexican restaurant or celebrations at...
This is another one of my sneaky sweets. We add some spinach for the green coloring and to boost the nutritional profile without compromising taste. This is a frozen banana based recipe so this requires freezing your bananas...
Sweet Potato Toast (savory, spicy and sweet) Serves: 2 Total time: 35 minutes (cook time: 30 minutes) Ingredients: 1 sweet potato Avocado oil (or other cooking oil) Sea salt Desired toppings Instructions: Preheat the oven for 400 F. Wash and dry...
I start my morning with a warm and healing elixir, often I end my day with one as well. There is something so nurturing about tuning into myself and curling up with a warm mug of healing. It feels almost indulgent to take this time...