Immerse yourself in luxurious nurturing time for you
Emergence Spiritual Retreat
Reiki Energy Session | Vital Energy Crystal Facial Ritual |Chakra Balancing and Sound Bath
Beautiful Peace Retreat
Peaceful Bodywrap | Sound & Energy Healing | Kansa Vatki Foot Treatment
Total Babe Spa Retreat
Contouring Body Wrap | Mind Body Spirit Alignment | Rejuvenation Facial Massage
Serene Surrender Retreat
Cranial Sacral Therapy | Sound and Energy Healing | Head Over Heels Ritual
Zen Retreat
Aromatic Zen Footbath | Lymphatic Drainage | Custom Relaxation Massage | Guided Breathwork
Radiance Retreat
Guided Meditative Movement | Champissage with Foot Soak | Wellness Planning Consult | Aromatic Immersion Experience with Sound Bath
Change-Maker Retreat
Introduction to tapping for resetting patterns | Breath and mindfulness training | Cleansing energy session with sound bath | Wellness consult
Full Spectrum Balance Retreat
Aromatic foot soak with healing elixir while guided through a journaling practice | Empowering wellness planning consult | Cranial Sacral and Lymphatic Drainage | Aromatic Immersion Experience
Detox Retreat
Full Body Skin Brushing | Detoxifying Cupping and Body Wrap | Kansa Vatki Foot Treatment | Wellness Consult | Gentle Detoxification Support Plan